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Are you a spiritual being playing in a HU-man world?


Why are you here? Some HU-man beings agreed to incarnate on this planet to help make things better. They are often ‘sensitives’ and spiritual seekers. Sometimes they are Starseeds, or Goddesses incarnate in a human body. You may be one of them.

Planet Earth is different to other planets. It’s darker and denser and we can become drawn deep down into drama-even if we’re not that way inclined.

Starseeds are souls who’ve come here to help raise the frequency of this planet. Earth is ascending, and we are too. It’s not always easy for HU-mans to live on this planet, especially those who are sensitive, who choose love instead of fear, and who prefer to watch their drama on a TV screen rather than tolerate it playing out in real life. Sometimes these souls need help – help they may not know they needed.

What you will learn from this book:

In HU-man Matters: 11 secrets to help you be a spiritual being in a HU-man world, psychic energy expert and Starseed Kathryn Gorman will show, tell and share with you eleven secrets she’s learned to help you be YOU-a spiritual being having a HU-man experience on this strange and mysterious planet.

In this fun and simple guide, Kathryn will walk you through how to stay connected to your soul whilst living fully in your body. She’ll help you better understand HU-man behaviour and how to manage it more effectively You’ll hear some secrets you may not know about what it means for you to be a sensitive soul, and then see how you can turn what other people judge as flaws into your best assets…even innate superpowers.

You’ll see and hear how to get clear on your purpose here and why this is vital to your happiness at this time. You’ll gain greater compassion for others and more love and appreciation for yourself. You’ll find it easier to get grounded and stay grounded so you can complete your mission here on Starship Earth.

You’ll discover how to tap into and play with the energy supporting you, so you can have a life filled with lots of fun, happy times and sweet, sweet moments.

Because you deserve that. Don’t you?