Confident COmmunication for Leaders

How to communicate with confidence, anywhere, anytime. With anyone.


· Why is it some people command a room and others are ignored?

· What are the innate abilities confident communicators use to dazzle you with their brilliance and create connections?

· How can you use these communication secrets for a brilliant life?

From the moment you were born you were communicating. And you continue to communicate every single day in every moment.

Whether you want an exciting dream job, a happy home, or even need to order a coffee, communication is vital to having every single one of your needs met.

If you’re tired of being overlooked, underpaid, or frustrated in relationships, learning the secrets of confident communication – secrets some people know innately – can help you to rise up and soar.

Doesn’t it look, sound and make sense to be the best communicator you can possibly be now?

During their combined forty-five years of working with the leaders of sporting organisations, companies, educational institutions, and government bodies, both in Australia and internationally, Kathryn Gorman and Carol Fox observed good communicators, brilliant communicators and… really, really bad communicators.

They discovered the secrets naturally confident communicators use to create a brilliant life, and in Confident Communication for Leaders they show, teach, and tell you how you can do the same. Carol Fox and Kathryn Gorman used to be school teachers, so, rather than write a complex thesis which possibly only professors might read, they created this easy-to-follow guide. It’s filled with simple yet profound solutions you can follow to help you be an amazing communicator. 

It doesn’t matter where you are right now. All that matters is you want your life to be easier and happier. Whether you are a nervous-shaking-in-your-boots-networker who suffers from social anxiety, a chatty conversationalist, or even a polished presenter who wants to gain the edge in life, it’s possible the wealth of tips, tools and secrets revealed in this book can move you to a whole new level.


“Communication is to a relationship what breathing is to life.”
Virginia Satir, Founder of Satir Transformational Systemic Therapy

Inside you will discover:

·How you currently communicate

·The four communication preferences

·How to speak another language

·Secrets of email communication

·Conflict resolution (for when the sh*t hits the fan)

·Instant rapport building

·The best body language for confident communication

·Brilliant choosing and using of words

·Magical metaprograms

·Confident communication secrets

…and how to apply them anywhere, anytime. With anyone.

Become a confident communicator and supercharge your communication now.