Body language matters

how to use body language to empower yourself


SUPERCHARGE YOUR COMMUNICATION through mastering body language. Only seven percent of what you communicate is via your words. The rest is through your voice and body language.

Check yourself: What is your body language communicating right now? Do you know? Is your current body language showing people you are confident, intelligent, together? Or is it saying you are unreliable, un-confident, insecure or maybe not very smart?

What if you are communicating something entirely different to who you really are as a colleague, friend, parent, a partner? And what if the messages you’re communicating every single day are sabotaging your relationships, stopping your success and hindering your happiness? Would you want to do something to change this now?


“The most important thing in communication
is to hear what isn’t said.”
PETER DRUCKER (1909-2005)


Inside you will discover:

·Why body language matters

·The power of rapport

·How to create rapport and why you might want to

·Mis-matchers and misunderstandings

·Why you may need to dress in rapport to get what you want

·How to use body language to empower yourself

·How to identify and avoid “mixed messages”

·Satir Gestures–five secret codes for empowerment

·How learning body language helped others and how it can help you

…and how to apply these secrets immediately for a better life, anywhere, anytime. With anyone. Master body language and  supercharge your communication now.